Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

David Johnson

Committee Members

David Patterson, Cecilia Zanetta, James Spencer


In this thesis, a business incubator facility, Fairview Technology Center, was studied to determine the level of economic impact it has had upon the economy of Knox County, Termessee. This thesis used the case study methodology of research. A mail survey instrument was utilized to obtain data from both current and former tenants of Fairview. Also, a literature review of incubator related information is included as well as information obtained from several personal interviews of those associated with the Fairview story. A history of business incubator facilities in the United States is provided as well as a thorough presentation of how Fairview operates on a daily basis.

To date, a total of 153 jobs can be attributed to Fairview as well as an annual payroll of $3,349,501 and annual sales from Fairview firms totaling $17,678,296. This thesis has concluded that Fairview Technology Center in its eleven years of operation has been a highly effective economic development tool for Knox County, Tennessee.

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