Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Edwin G. Burdette

Committee Members

J. Harold Deatherage, David W. Goodpasture


Biaxial bending in reinforced concrete columns in very complex. The Bresler Reciprocal Method (1) is a simplified approximate approach to analyze reinforced concrete columns in biaxial bending. In this thesis a spreadsheet is used to analyze rectangular reinforced concrete columns for biaxial bending and to compare its exact results to the approximate approach using the Bresler reciprocal method.

The results of comparisons confirmed what the ACI Building Code (3) indicated. The Bresler Reciprocal Method is a satisfactory and conservative method to use for biaxial bending and axial load, with a note that the method is “most suitable” when values of Px and Py are greater than the balanced axial load for that axis.

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