Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Life Sciences

Major Professor

Suzette D. Tardif

Committee Members

Richard Saudargas, Neil Greenberg


The purpose of this study was to examine the behavioral responses of common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, when provided with different environmental enrichment devices. Four devices, foraging boxes, ropes, nature sounds and whiffle balls were tested. With this assessment, a few base components are suggested from which a more complex program can be built for the rest of animals in this colony or for any other facility holding common marmosets. A facility housing many animals must necessarily objectively evaluate the costs and benefits of an enrichment device with a few animals before instituting a colony-wide enrichment program. This thesis demonstrated a method of assessing the ways that the different environmental enrichment items effected the behavior of the subjects. The small N research design utilized here can be used to test enrichment in research facilities or zoos where there is usually little time for extra projects.

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