Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Life Sciences

Major Professor

Mary Ann Handel


Although meiosis is an important process, little is known about gene expression during this time. Therefore, cDNA libraries from specific populations of male mouse meiotic germ cells were subjected to a differential screening process that made use of genetic mutants to identify sequences that are presumed to be expressed in meiotic prophase (Caldwell et al., 1996. Molec Reprod Devel: 43:403-413). Analysis of sequences by BLAST revealed that of the 18, 9 were identical or closely homologous to known protein coding sequences (including calmodulin, carnitine palmitoyl transferase l-like protein, ILGF binding protein, and the mouse Rbm gene that is highly homologous to the human AZF spermatogenic factor). The remainder were novel sequences not in the sequence data bases. Each cDNA clone was used to probe both tissue and germ-cell specific northern blots to determine specific patterns of expression. Two clones identified by this screen. Ott and Rbm, are sex-linked genes, and were not expected to be expressed during this time in meiosis. Because they were identified by this screen, they became interesting targets for further analysis. Therefore more detailed expression analysis was done using these two clones. Here we report the results of the expression analysis of the 18 clones, as well as more detailed analysis of Ott and Rbm.

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