Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Debora R. Baldwin

Committee Members

John Lounsbury, Charles Thompson


The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which precompetitive anxiety predicted performance as measured by the zone of optimal functioning (ZOF) and is a function of increased media exposure in women basketball players.

Data were collected on a nationally ranked Division I women’s basketball team over a four month period which included five regular season games, two of which were televised. For the purpose of this study, regular season was from mid-November to the end of February.

At the beginning and end of the season, each player completed the Measure of Pessimism (MOP), Life Event Survey Scale for Collegiate Athletes (LESCA), and the Profile of Mood State (POMS)questionnaires. Each player completed the Competitive State Anxiety lnventory-2 (CSAl-2) one hour prior to each of the five games. In addition, a 10-second pulse rate was taken from each player.

Findings suggested that 1) media exposure had no demonstrated affect on performance or anxiety; 2) pre and post measure of the POMS subscale for depression before and after the season was significant, as well as the total mood disturbances; and 3) there was no correlation between performance and precompetitive anxiety as it relates to the ZOF.

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