Masters Theses


Kaushik Deb

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Wayne T. Davis

Committee Members

Terry Miller, Chris Cox


A comprehensive user-friendly Air Pollution Control (APC) linked model simulating the TSCA hazardous waste incinerator air pollution control system configuration was developed in Visual Basic (VB). VB is a very effective platform for aesthetically appealing GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. The air pollution control system consists of a series of devices (or operations) including a quench tower, venturi scrubber, a packed bed and two ionizing wet scrubbers. Based on user-defined inlet gas and particle characteristics, the VB application utilizes a mix of classical efficiency predictor equations along with the various empirical equations developed at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville to predict both device-specific and overall system particle collection efficiencies for the TSCA facility APC system configuration. In addition, the application can be molded to define other system configurations containing any of the device elements included in the application package to predict the particle collection efficiency for a variety of inlet gas-particle scenarios.

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