Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Recreation and Leisure Studies

Major Professor

Francis Hendrick

Committee Members

Patricia Beitel, Gene Hayes


The inclusion of people with disabilities into our community is integral in improving these individual’s quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine if an inclusive program, which uses therapeutic recreation can positively facilitate the transition of a young adult with disabilities from being dependent on after school programs to independent community leisure involvement.

The study was a qualitative single subject case study regarding a male who was 22 years old. The subject was selected to participate in the program designed to promoted inclusion in the community and to acquire skills for independent community leisure involvement.

The study investigated the positive and negative subjective comments made by the program staff. A content analysis of these comments produced 4 main content areas: social skills, conversational skills, initiative, and responsibility. The study also identified that prior to participating in the program, the subject was primarily involved in the passive activity of watching television. During the program the subject became more socially involved and participated in a variety of community activities. The ratio of positive to negative comments increased from 2.08 in the first quarter to 4.50 in the fourth quarter of the study. Furthermore, the negative comments made towards the subject by the program staff decreased from 22 in the Fall to 3 in the Spring.

The research was useful in that it identified that inclusive therapeutic community recreation programs can assist individuals with disabilities in acquiring social and recreational skills. Finally, a longitudinal study would further benefit the researchers in determining if independent leisure functioning does continue after the program has ended.

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