Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

Michael Lane Morris

Committee Members

Priscilla Blanton, Julia Malia


Data were collected from 71 couples (n=142) participating in the Building and Enriching Stronger Tennessee (B.E.S.T.) Families marital enrichment program. At the conclusion of the seminar, participants completed a survey that asked them to indicate their level of agreement on items assessing various aspects of Katz’s (1988) and Crane’s (1993) marketing models (Product, Place, Price, and People). Additionally, couples were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with the workshop experience. The purpose of this study was to examine the relative influence of participants’ attitudes regarding product (i.e., manual/visual aids), place (i.e., seating/lighting, chair comfort), price (i.e., workshop fee), and people (i.e., facilitator’s characteristics and participants’ own intrapsychic conditions) on participant’s overall satisfaction with the program. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for development and marketing purposes within a family life education context.

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