Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

William Lewis

Committee Members

Ralph Kimberlin, Jack Hansen


A thesis presented on a proposed non-developmental item (NDI) solution to task load reduction for the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment A/MH-6 mission pilots. This manuscript focuses on the study of taskload assessment methods, aircraft specification compliance, handling qualities flight test, operational mission requirements, and future design considerations in an effort to discover ways of reducing cockpit workload. As a result of the studies, it was determined that the easiest and least expensive method to reduce pilot workload would be the incorporation of an automatic flight control system into the A/MH-6 aircraft. Hence, this manuscript concludes that installation of an Astronautics Corporation 3-axis autopilot is the foremost solution for taskload reduction.

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