Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George E. Bowen


This study is a guide and manual for the development and management of ecotourism communities utilizing geographic information systems. It capitalizes on the fact that there are limited resources available for providing direction for ecotourism development with geographic information systems. The study outlines the concepts and ideas of geographic information systems specialists and ecotourism experts. In addition, it explores case studies of ecotourism development and the steps involved in inventorying environmental assets and attractions using GIS. Strategies and models for community development with ecotourism are also identified. Finally it establishes a case study where the authors guidelines are applied in a simulation of an ecotourism development in a rural county in the Appalachian region of the US. Overall, this study stresses and promotes the creation of sustainable ecotourism development.

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