Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Josette Rabun

Committee Members

Robbie Blakemore, J. Stanley Rabun


This research focuses on French scenic paperhangings in Flat Rock, North Carolina between 1800 and 1850. The availability and popularity of paperhangings, particularly French scenic papers, in North Carolina and Charleston, South Carolina was established in order to better understand the cultural demand and status of scenic paperhangings. The approach of the thesis is to gain a general knowledge of French scenic paperhangings from the early nineteenth century. Advertisements provided information regarding the frequency, types, and what years French scenic paperhangings were available. Once a contextual environment was defined, a narrower approach was taken. The general information was applied to a specific case study house to determine the manufacturer, name of the scenic paperhanging, date of production, and popularity in America.

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