Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music



Major Professor

Stephen Young


For many years scholars have been studying the poems and music of the troubadours, the poet-composers of southern France. Interest in the women troubadours, or trobairitz, has risen over the last few years, coinciding with a rise in feminist musicology. The purpose of this study will be to compare the compositions of a trobairitz to those of a contemporary troubadour, and determine whether any feminine characteristics can be found in the music of the trobairitz. Furthermore, if there we can name a different set of characteristics for the trobairitz, then what do the troubadour and trobairitz have in common? In this study several topics will be outlined: (1) a brief history of Occitania, the rise of fin'amors, and the troubadour; (2) the trobairitz; (3) the poetry and music of the troubadour and trobairitz, Bernart de Ventadorn and Beatriz, Countess de Dia. Through a discussion of these topics I will attempt to uncover the Countess' feminine voice in music.

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