Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Planning



Major Professor

George E. Bowen

Committee Members

Cecilia Zanetta, Terry Shupp, Mark McGrath


This thesis investigates the beginnings and growth of Las Vegas, Nevada, paying attention to rationale for its location, as well as situations and occurrences affecting its development, all within the general scope of planning. It then tracks the development of Las Vegas' image-sake, the casino industry. Again within the scope of planning and development, the ways in which the growth of the casino industry played a role in the growth and development of the city are chronicled.

This thesis then utilizes available and relevant data and statistics to chart trends in and connections between the rapid growth of the city and population and the rapid and recent growth in the casino industry. Determining that city and population growth are indifferent to the recent and sizable growth of casinos, this thesis then analyzes possible connections between the casino industry and other segments of the Las Vegas economy.

All of this is done in a non-sensational fashion, intending to serve in part as a starting-point for further and deeper research and investigation into the various topics of study in and around the rapidly growing Las Vegas area.

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