Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

James A. Crook

Committee Members

Jerry Morrow, M. Mark Miller


The purpose of this study was to examine the role of public relations strategies used by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Knoxville, Inc., when its major fund-raising event, the ninth annual Great Knoxville Rubber Duck Race was deemed an illegal lottery by the Attorney General of Tennessee. Also studied were the crisis communications strategies employed by the organization, subsequent media coverage and public response of the event. This study also evaluated fund­raising strategies and financial outcomes for the organization.

This thesis was based on interviews with members of the board of directors, the staff of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Knoxville, Inc., local media and individuals involved in related events. The thesis also examined news reports that appeared in the daily newspaper and local television station reports. Letters, press releases, promotional material, video and memoranda were examined as well.

The study showed that although the Boys & Girls Clubs did not have a crisis communications or alternative plan in effect in case the Duck Race was cancelled, its broad base of connections with community leaders and leading media outlets helped it survive the crisis. Interviews revealed that those involved in the crisis had different views why it occurred. Some said the crisis was fueled by the media, was being shut down through legal strategy or occurred because the law was being interpreted differently.

The organization had one month to change its course of action when the Duck Race was cancelled. It planned an unsuccessful Phantom Duck Race, which was cancelled due to rain. Through other opportunities during the year, the organization was able to make up the $150,000 the event was budgeted to raise for the Boys & Girls Clubs through other special events and donations.

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