Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Educational Psychology

Major Professor

Mark Hector

Committee Members

Teresa Hutchens, Bill Poppen


The objective of this research project is to describe individuals' subjective experiences in a love relationship. A literature review was performed in order to discuss some of the relevant research on this subject, as well as to gain a theoretical perspective of the love relationship. Existential- Phenomenological research methodology was employed. Seven participants volunteered to be interviewed about their experiences in a love relationship. The individual interviews were conducted in an open-ended and unstructured format, with the participants describing their personal experiences. All interviews were audio-taped, transcribed, and reviewed by a phenomenological research team for thematic content. Existential meaning units were extracted from each transcript and placed in categories. Categories were reviewed and general themes were identified which depicted the essence of the phenomenon in question.

The three main themes which emerged from this study include; Awareness of Self, Awareness of Other, and Awareness of Relationship. These three themes related directly to the overall experience of the love relationship and emerged against the grounds of Time and Relationship in each interview.

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