Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Hans August Desmidt

Committee Members

Xiaopeng Zhao, Kivanc Ekici


This study explores the variable speed operation and shift response of a prototype of a two speed single path CVT rotorcraft driveline system. Here a Comprehensive Variable Speed Rotorcraft Propulsion system Modeling (CVSRPM) tool is developed and utilized to simulate the drive system dynamics in steady forward speed condition. This investigation attempts to build upon previous variable speed rotorcraft propulsion studies by:

1) Including fully nonlinear first principles based transient gas-turbine engine model

2) Including shaft flexibility

3) Incorporating a basic flight dynamics model to account for interactions with the flight control system.

Through exploring the interactions between the various subsystems, this analysis provides important insight into the continuing development of variable speed rotorcraft propulsion systems.

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