"If Not Us, Then Who?: QTBIPOC Graduate Researchers’ Experiences Resear" by Vardaan Dua

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Dawn M. Szymanski

Committee Members

Kirsten A. Gonzalez, Gina P. Owens


Experiences of minority graduate student researchers, specifically graduate student researchers that identify as queer and/or trans and Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (QTBIPOC) have been largely underrepresented in current scholarship. Utilizing reflexive thematic analysis and semi-structured interviews, in the current study we explored the experiences of 20 QTBIPOC graduate student researchers who conduct QTBIPOC research. Results revealed five thematic patterns, including: (a) recognizing, resisting, and reforming systemic oppression within academia; (b) encountering interpersonal oppression within academic contexts; (c) personal well-being and the role of QTBIPOC research; (d) relations among one’s personal identities and engagement in QTBIPOC research; and (e) navigating interpersonal relationships, identity disclosure, and community dynamics. Findings help highlight the psychological, interpersonal, and professional experiences endured by QTBIPOC graduate student researchers. Discussion highlights implications for QTBIPOC graduate student researchers and outlines suggestions for research advisors, training programs, and academic systems to support and empower QTBIPOC graduate student researchers.

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