"A robust agroinfiltration method" by Bryce N. Trull

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Plant Sciences

Major Professor

Charles N. Stewart Jr.

Committee Members

Reggie Millwood, Feng Chen, Terek Hewezi


Stable transformation of soybean (Glycine max) is a markedly slow and laborious process. Thus, a tool that enables rapid evaluation of genetic elements in planta is critical to advance complex research and genetic engineering in soybean. To that end, a substantially robust agroinfiltration method was innovated in this work. Agroinfiltration is a technique that leverages Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation to deliver genetic elements to the cells of whole plant tissues, usually leaves. Several factors were found to be relevant to successful soybean leaf agroinfiltration, including genotype, surfactant, developmental stage, and Agrobacterium culture medium. The research represents not only a new research tool for soybean biotechnology, but also indicates critical parameters for guided agroinfiltration optimization that could be used for other crop species.

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