"Rebel Legitimacy: A Theory on Battle Intensity" by Brooke A. Golden

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Political Science

Major Professor

Gary Uzonyi

Committee Members

Gary Uzonyi, Krista Wiegand, Kyung Joon Han


Why do some rebel groups experience more intense fighting during civil war than others? This paper examines the relationship between rebel legitimacy and battle intensity. Existing literature has much to say about the various variables that influence battle intensity; however, this paper will incorporate two causal mechanisms of rebel legitimacy that are often overlooked or understudied in the civil war literature that explores battle intensity. The two causal mechanisms are: the number of civilian deaths and the level of rebel governance. This study is unique in the way it challenges our current understanding of battle intensity through these mechanisms. This study utilizes a large-N quantitative analysis comprised of 2,751 observations to confirm or disconfirm my theory.

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