Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Major Professor
Dr. Tony Schmitz
Committee Members
Dr. Tony Schmitz, Dr. Bradley Jared, Dr. Uday Vaidya
Robotic milling offers new opportunities for discrete part manufacturing as an alternative to milling using large conventional machine tools. The advantage of industrial robots is their large work volume, configurability, and comparatively low cost. However, robots are significantly less stiff than conventional machine tools, which can lead to poor surface finish, low machining accuracy, and low material removal rates. The purpose of this research is to predict the geometric errors, or surface location errors, that occur in a robotic mulling tool path, validate these predictions with machining tests, and compensate these errors by tool path modification. Compared with conventional machine tools, robots possess low stiffness, low frequency vibration modes and the presence of these modes causes surface location errors that are nearly independent of spindle speed in the range typically used for machining. Additionally, the robot often exhibits errors relative to the commanded tool path. By developing an understanding of both the dynamics of the robot and its tool path accuracy, predictions were made of the surface location error for a machined part and a compensation algorithm was developed. The accuracy of the predictions and compensation algorithm were verified with a series of experiments. Through this research it was determined that robotic milling is prone to large surface location errors, but it is possible to reduce these through offline compensation.
Recommended Citation
Swan, Richard Henry Jr., "Surface Location Error in Robotic Milling: Modeling and Experiments. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2023.