Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Lee L. Riedinger

Committee Members

Carol Bingham


High-spin states in 6060Ni were populated using the 28Si(36Ar,4p) reaction with a beam energy of 136 MeV. GAMMASPHERE was used in conjunction with MICROBALL to detect γ rays in coincidence with various combinations of detected protons and alphas. A total of 2 billion events was recorded, with the 4p channel to 60Ni representing approximately 11 % of the data. In our analysis, the previously known level scheme[1] has been extended up to energy and spin of 20 MeV and 19 ħ. The levels up to/ = 10 is well explained by shell-model calculations including the g9/2 single-particle orbital in the f p-shell configuration space. At higher spins, evidence for rotational-like behavior appears. Two apparently rotational structures have large M1 values and are perhaps shears bands, likely involving one g9/2 particle. Comparison to calculations will be given.

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