Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George Bowen


A matrix for achieving the goal of sustainability at the local level through the decision making process of project development is developed in this study. Presently, many decisions as to the desirability of development are based on economic impact to the local area.Using the matrix could change this by using sustainability as the standard. The model used was designed by European planners for planning at any level. A baseline of sustainability for the local area is first determined, then the development project is assessed using the matrix to determine the impact on a given condition. The matrix is constructed using local trends and principles (or goals) of sustainability. Trend Impact Analysis is used to quantify the data. It was found that the matrix does generate information that could be useful in the decision making process and that the information may be used to further the goals of sustainability at the local level. It was discovered that the relationship among the trends and between the trends and objectives is an important part of the analysis that requires detailed attention. The model chosen serves as a proxy standard for sustainability, with the goals designed to be comprehensive. However, the objectives chosen to achieve sustainabilitycannot be standardized and will need to be determined by the local community.

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