Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George W. Kabalka


The syntheses of several boronated 1-amino cyclobutanecarboxylic acids (ACBC) were achieved. These compounds were synthesized as potential Boron Neutron CaptureTherapy (BNCT) Agents. The first derivative synthesized was w-carboranyl ACBC.This compound failed to show the desirable properties that a BNCT agent must have.This led the investigator to explore another group of compounds. The second set of derivatives synthesized was a series of 4-dihydroxyborylphenyl analogs of 1-aminocyclobutanecarboxylic acid. The number of carbon spacers (as methylene units)was varied between the cyclobutane ring and the aromatic ring to introduce different degrees of lipophilicily into the molecule. Fom compounds with 0,2,3 and 7 methylene spacers were synthesized and are awaiting evaluation as Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Agents.

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