Doctoral Dissertations
Dissertations from 2005
Approaches to Uniform-Morphology: Polymer-Based SERS Substrates, Kathleen Sue Giesfeldt
Conservation of Grassland Bird Populations on Military Installations in the Eastern United States with Special Emphasis on Fort Campbell Army Base, Kentucky, James J. Giocomo
The Self Cohesion Scale: A Measure of the Kohutian Concept of Self Cohesion, Debra K. Gleason
Designs for Stated Preference Experiments, Jennifer Lynn Golek
Adolescent Sexual Behaviors: Analyses of Context, Catherine Marie Grello
Tax Policies and Entrepreneurship: Relative Tax Rates and Health Insurance Deductibility, Tami Jean Gurley
Quality of Life for Cancer Survivor Spouses, Meta Gustafson
Floating WIM Threshold Concept for Truck Weight Enforcement, Zhongren Gu
Curriculum-Based Measurement: Investigating the Relationship Between Oral and Silent Reading Comprehension and Words Correct per Minute, Andrea Dawn Hale
Reinventing the Plantation: Gated Communities as Spatial Segregation in the Gullah Sea Islands, Melissa Denise Hargrove
An Interpretive Analysis of the Formative Period of Journal Publications related to Multicultural Education: 1977-1987, Renard B. Harris
James Fenimore Cooper, Professional Authorship, and the American Literary Marketplace, 1838-1851, Steven P. Harthorn
MOSFET Modeling, Simulation and Parameter Extraction in 4H- and 6H- Silicon Carbide, Md Hasanuzzaman
The rRNAt/rDNA Ratio as a Measure of Nitrite Oxidizing Activity, Shawn A. Hawkins
Value Similarity and Satisfaction in Interpersonal Relationships, Lauriann Lowe Hebb
Discovering Strengths of Homeless Abused Women, Jean Croce Hemphill
Father Perspectives on the Relationship Between Family-Centered Practices and Empowerment Outcomes in Early Intervention, William Bryan Higgins
Adaptive Nonlinear Optimization Methodology For Installed Capacity Decisions In Distributed Energy/Cooling Heat And Power Applications., Carl Randolph Hudson
Longitudinal Prediction of Parenting Alliance Strength: The Roles of Marital Satisfaction and Depression, Farrah Moore Hughes
An Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Universal Nonverbal Inventory of Personality, Holly Michelle Hutchins
AC Loss and Thickness Dependence of Critical Currents in Coated Conductors, Anota Oluwatoyin Ijaduola
Effects of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Idling Emissions on Ambient Air Quality at a Truck Travel Center and Air Quality Benefits Associated with Advanced Truck Stop Electrification Technology, Guenet Tilahun Indale
Ligand Binding Studies in R67 Dihydrofolate Reductase and the Evaluation of the Anion-Quadrupole Interaction at a Quantum Mechanical Level, Michael Robert Jackson
The Homicidal Narcissist, Tedra Elise Jamison
Photo-Acoustic Analysis of Dental Materials and Tissue, Pavlina Jetchkova Jeleva
Study of Rheological Properties of Polymeric Liquids by Using Multiple-Mode Models, Bangwu Jiang
The Effect of Ultrasonic Vibration on the Solidification of Light Alloys, Xiaogang Jian
Ruffed Grouse Habitat Use, Reproductive Ecology, and Survival in Western North Carolina, Benjamin Colter Jones
Interpersonal Forgiveness: Longitudinal Analyses, Vidhya Iyer Kamat
Experimental Study of Slip Flow in the Semi-hyperbolically Converging Dies, Prajakta Kamerkar
Neutron Scattering Studies on Magnetism and Phonon in the Electron-doped Nd2-xCexCuO4 and Pr1-xLaCexCuO4, Hye Jung Kang
A Comparative Philosophical Study of Care Theory in Western and Korean Cultures and Their Educational Implications, So Young Kang
Transgressing the Closets: Female Coaches Negotiations of Heteronormativity in Sport, Kerrie J. Kauer
Freeway Crash Prediction Models for Long-Range Urban Transportation Planning, Vasin Kiattikomol
Black Children and Northern Missionaries, Freedmen's Bureau Agents, and Southern Whites in Reconstruction Tennessee, 1865 -1869, Troy Lee Kickler
HSV-1 Induced Ocular Angiogenesis: Antiangiogenic Strategies to Prevent Herpetic Stromal Keratitis Pathogenesis, Bum Seok Kim
East Asians’ Experience of Sojourning in East Tennessee: A Phenomenological Investigation, Yoonmi Kim
The Impact of Gender Frame Sponsorship on the Frame Process in Sport, Christie Morgan Kleinmann
A Watershed Classification System Based on Headwater Catchments in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee-North Carolina, Martin Dietrich Lafrenz
A Newly Identified Hantavirus: The Development of Immunologic Diagnostic Assays and Phylogenetic Analysis for Detection and Characterization, Shawn Lee Lewis
Synthesis and Applications of Monolithic HPLC Columns, Chengdu Liang
Computational Investigations of Collision Induced Absorption, Timothy Carl Lillestolen
Differential-Algebraic Approach to Speed and Parameter Estimation of the Induction Motor, Mengwei Li
Thermal and X-ray Analysis on the Origin of Double Melting Phenomena of Poly(L-lactic acid) Films, Xiaoyun Ling
The Relationship Between Personality Traits, Vocational Interest Themes, and College Major Satisfaction, Christen Tomlinson Logue
Encosto in a Brazilian Favela, Darrell William Lynch
Components of Auditory Closure, Steven Glen Madix
Investigation of Glyphosate-Resistant Horseweed (Conyza canadensis L. Cronq.) In Tennessee, Christopher Lynn Main
Atomistic Investigation of Anomalous Diffusion on Surfaces: A Deterministic Approach, James Wesley Mancillas
Using Projective Measures to Examine the Relationship Between Adult Attachment Status and Object Relations, Betty Marie Martin
Playing With Stories: Sporting Narratives and the Deliberation of Moral Questions, Matthew A. Masucci
Acupuncture Use for Pain as Compared to Other Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Conventional Medicine, Elizabeth Susan McGrady
Gender and Internet Advertising: Differences in the Ways Males and Females Engage with and Perceive Internet Advertising, Carolynn Anne McMahan
Adaptive Control of Axisymmetric Jets by Cavities, Abraham Joseph Meganathan
Constriction Behavior, a Key Innovation In Snake Evolution: The Integration of Ethology and Physiology, Rita S. Mehta
Gravity in Extra Dimensions of Infinite Volume, Chad Aaron Middleton
A Tree-Ring Oxygen Isotope Record of Tropical Cyclone Activity, Moisture Stress, and Long-term Climate Oscillations for the Southeastern U.S., Dana Lynette Miller
Recuperando a los Peron: Posmodemidad e intertextualidad en dos obras de Tomas Eloy Martinez, Jose D. Minay
The Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of Bulk Metallic Glasses, Mark Lee Morrison
Tungsten Alkyl Alkylidyne and Bis(Alkylidene) Complexes. Their Unusual Inter-Conversion and Reactions with Phosphines, Dioxygen and Water, Laurel Anne Morton
Principals' Implementation of Exclusion Policy in Tennessee Public High Schools, Clarence Steve Moser
Photochemical Reactions of Optically Active Chiral and Achiral Organic Materials, Nicie Conley Murphy
A Reliability and Validation Study of an Administrative Effectiveness Survey for Deans at Institutions of Higher Education, Kristi Jolena Nelms
The Relationship between Spirituality and the Health of College Students in a University Setting, Linda Wyatt Nelms
The dS/CFT Correspondence and Quasinormal Modes of Black Holes, Scott Henry Ness
Unsaturated Flow and Transport of 90Sr, Co(II)EDTA, and U(VI) in Undisturbed Cores from the Hanford formation, Hanford, WA, Mary Fairfax Nichols-Pace
Examining the Experiences of Students Engaged in Online Study, Michael North
Accumulation and Food Retailer Store Type: Determining Hispanic Consumers' Attitude Toward Store Attributes in the San Antonio Market, Carol Lynn Nute
Experimental studies of intra- and intermolecular chemical structure, Cara Lynn Nygren
Shell Model Monte Carlo Method in the pn-Formalism, Cem Ozen
Genetic Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Conditioning Protein Concentration and Quality, and Other Seed Characteristics in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], Dilip Raj Panthee
Examining Consumer Pre-purchase Deliberation Process in an Online Marketplace, Hyung Chul Park
Two Essays on Momentum, Seung-Chan Park
The Challenge of Realizing Sustainable Natural Resource Management on Private Lands: Problems and Promise, Jamey L. Pavey
Frequent Pattern Finding in Integrated Biological Networks, Xinxia Peng
Fatigue Behavior of a Zirconium-Based Bulk Metallic Glass, William Hutchison Peter
Sedimentation, Hydrology, and Bottomland Hardwood Forest Succession in Altered and Unaltered Tributaries of the Hatchie River, TN, Aaron R. Pierce
The role of viruses in Fe recycling in the world's oceans, Leo Poorvin
Razor Wire Cuts Both Ways: Teaching Inside a Juvenile Institution, Betty B. Ragland
Experimental, Theoretical, and Device Application Development of Nanoscale Focused Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition, Steven Jeffrey Randolph
Trapped in a State of Mitigating Danger: Forgotten Process, Forgotten Women, Alva Hunt Reid
From Father to Child: An Application of the Process-Person-Context-Time Model, Lauren Ella Renkert
Geochemical Investigations of Ordinary Chondrites, Shergottites, and Hawaiian Basalts, Valerie Slater Reynolds
Applied Sport Psychology: Unearthing and Contextualizing a Dual Genealogy, Tatjana V. Riba
Federal Funding and the New Regionalism: Blurring the Lines of Federalism, Lori Adele Riverstone
Tennessee Higher Education Accountability Policies & Practices: A State Legislative Perspective, Kristi Roberson-Scott
The Experience of Participants in an Online Collaborative Learning Environment, Gina Phipps Roberts
Interdisciplinary Approaches to New Chemical Analysis, David Lynn Rodman
An Investigation of the Big Five and Narrow Personality Traits in Relation to Academic Performance, Craig Lancer Rogers
Absenteeism and Presenteeism as Related to Self-Reported Health Status and Health Beliefs of Tennessee Safety and Health Professionals, William Tunstall Rogerson Jr.
Identification of the Microfabric of Kaolin Clay and its Impact on the Shear Strength Behavior, Ajanta Sachan
The Other-Directed Adolescent: Associated Personality Processes as Measured by the Rorschach, Elisabeth D. Scherpenisse
An Investigation of Institutional Research in Tennessee Community Colleges: Functions, Technology Use, and Impact on Decision-making by College Presidents, Randolph C. Schulte
Relationships between Operationalizations of Dyslexia and Attitudes and Perceptions of Learning a Foreign Language, Katrinda Wills Scott