Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Kevin G. Robinson

Committee Members

Gary Sayler, Michael Essington, Gregory Reed, Mriganka Ghosh, Chet Francis


Microbial reduction of soluble hexavalent uranium (U6+) to the less soluble tetravalent state (U4+) has recently been proposed as a treatment option for selective uranium removal from complex waste streams. This research focuses on the impact of various organic ligands present in uranium containing waste streams on the microbial reduction and subsequent precipitation of dissolved uranium. A sulfate reducing bacteria (Desulfovibrio desulfuricans) and an iron reducing bacteria (Shewanella alga (BrY)) were used to study reductive precipitation of uranium. Five organic ligands (acetate, malonate, oxalate, citrate and tiron) were chosen to evaluate their impact on bioreductive precipitation. These ligands varied significantly in their nature as well as affinity of association with hexavalent uranium. Batch anaerobic experiments, under non-growth conditions, were performed to evaluate U6+ reductive precipitation in the presence of each ligand. A bacterial concentration of ~ 5x108 cells/mL was used. In all the experiments, an initial U6+ concentration of 100 mg/L was maintained. The test solutions contained H2,/sub> gas as sole electron donor, U6+ as the primary electron acceptor and each ligand as the sole organic complexing agent. All experiments were conducted at constant ionic strength (0.17 M). U6+ reduction experiments were performed using two concentrations of each target ligand. At the higher concentration of ligands used, ~ 100 % of the U6+ introduced, initially complexed to the ligands. At the lower ligand concentration, ~ 50% of the U6+ complexed to the ligands. Microbial reduction of U6+ was evaluated by measuring the decrease in U6+ concentration, over time, after cell incubation. In addition, the fate of uranium was determined by monitoring the concentration of bioreduced uranium (U4+) remaining in solution and the fraction removed via precipitation. Experimental results indicated that, D. desulfiiricans reduced rapidly from organic/inorganic monodentate complexes. In organic free and acetate containing test solutions, the bacteria reduced U6+ at an initial rate of ~ 1.6 X 10-3 mg/mg cell-hr. However, U6+ reduction in multidentate malonate, oxalate and citrate solutions was nearly twenty fold slower (~ 6 X 10-5 mg/mg cell-hr). Results indicated that, (i) multidentate ligands non-competitively inhibited U6+ reducing enzymes, or (ii) hexavalent uranium chelated to multidentate ligands was not directly available for reduction for D. desulfuricans. However, > 90 % U6+ reduction was achieved after 96 hours of incubation in all organic solutions. An exception to the above trend was observed in ternuclear tiron containing solutions. D. desulfuricans reduced U6+ at a rate (~3.2X10-3 mg/mg cell-hr) much faster than that observed in binuclear citrate solutions. Differences in the structure (aromatic vs aliphatic) and functional group involved in complexation (hydroxyl vs carboxyl) appeared to have enhanced the U6+ reduction rate in tiron solutions. Hexavalent uranium reduction in test solutions incubated with Shewanella alga (BrY) followed a different trend. BrY rapidly reduced hexavalent uranium in carbonate solutions. However insignificant U6+ reduction was observed in organic free (NaNO3) solutions where U6+ formed uranyl hydroxide species. In acetate containing solutions, U6+ reduction was slow (~4X10-5' mg/mg cell-hr) as well as incomplete. In malonate, oxalate and citrate solutions, when ~ 100 % of the U6+ was initially complexed to the ligands, reduction was very rapid (~2.4X10-3 mg/mg cell-hr). However, in solutions containing ~ 50 % uranyl hydroxide species and ~ 50% multidentate aliphatic complexes, reduction was slow(~4X10-5 mg/mg cell-hr ) and incomplete. It appeared that in solutions containing multidentate carboxyl U6+ complexes as well as uranyl hydroxyl species, BrY reduced U6+ essentially from the carboxyl complexes. Subsequent reduction appeared to continue through equilibrium redistribution of U6+ from hydroxyl to carboxyl species. Once U6+ was bioreduced U4+ to subsequent precipitation appeared to be impacted by the type and concentration of individual ligand introduced into the test solution. In acetate and malonate solutions, almost all the bioreduced uranium precipitated from the test solutions. However, in oxalate and citrate solutions, an increase in the ligand concentration decreased the amount of U4+ precipitated. In tiron containing solutions less than 10 % of reduced uranium precipitated at the lowest concentration of ligand used. In most cases the trends in uranium precipitation observed agreed with the prediction made using the thermodynamic constants for the association of tetravalent uranium with each ligand. This indicated that, while trends in bioreduction of hexavalent uranium depended on the metabolism of microorganism used, subsequent precipitation of bioreduced uranium was dictated by its thermodynamic constants for the association with test ligands.

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