Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration

Major Professor

Frank W. Davis Jr.

Committee Members

Gatian, Langley, Reeve


Since the mid-1980's information and its management have become recognized as having intrinsic value to the competitive advantage of the organization. However, the traditional information systems development methods used by organizations have been found wanting as they do not fully engage the end-user of the information system in the development process, which results in information systems that do not satisfy the end-users information requirements. The advent of Integrated-Computer Aided Software Engineering (I-CASE) tools has been touted as a means to more fully engage the end-user in the information systems development process, which should result in an information system that more fully responds to the end-users needs and requirements. However, to date there has been no research from the end-users perspective to determine if indeed I-CASE tools more fully involve the end-user in the information systems development process and does this involvement result in information systems more responsive to the end-users needs and requirements. This exploratory research consisted of in-depth interviews conducted at four field sites with end-user and information systems personnel to determine if an I-CASE tool does increase end-user involvement in the information systems development process. In addition to the in-depth interviews the subjects were administered an adjusted Doll and Torkazadeh End-User Computer Satisfaction Instrument to aid in determining the degree to which this involvement result in an information system more fully responsive to the end-users needs and requirements. For the four sites included in this research the end-users did participate more fully in the information systems development process and the resulting information systems more fully meet their needs and requirements enabling them to more effectively complete the duties and responsibilities associated with their positions.

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