Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

George T. Condo

Committee Members

David Dobbs, Ted Barnes, Bill Bugg


The search for exotic resonances is one of the most active areas in light meson spectroscopy at the present time. From a study of high energy photoproduction on experiment E687 at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, two candidates for hybrid states are observed. The first is a state with a decay into ƒ1(1285)π which has a mass of 1748 ± 12 MeV and a width of 136 ± 30 MeV, whose decay angular distributions suggest the true exotic quantum numbers JPC = 1-+. The second is a state of mass 1914±33 MeV and width 389±115 MeV, produced with almost no background, which decays to Φη and whose angular distributions indicate JPC = --. Close and Page predict the existence of a hybrid vector meson that decays to Φη. However their theoretical width is much less than our experimental value.

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