Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

William Poppen

Committee Members

Kathleen Davis, Luther Kindall, Richard Saudargas


In an attempt to understand doctoral students' lived experiences with their dissertation committees, interviews were conducted with thirteen doctoral students enrolled in either clinical or counseling psychology programs. Traditional phenomenological methods were used to analyze interview data to identify emergent themes.

Three themes emerged from a qualitative analysis of interview data: (1) Process, (2) Relationships, and (3) Issues. These three themes, implicit in all the protocols, comprise the basic structure of the experience these doctoral students had with their dissertation committees.

The results are discussed in relation to the existing literature on the dissertation. Suggestions are offered for doctoral students being supervised by dissertation committees. The implications for faculty providing dissertation supervision are also addressed. Finally, suggestions for future research are included.

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