Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

E. Grady Bogue


The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the experiences of American undergraduate students participating in the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) at the University of Malta. This study utilized a qualitative methodology to explore the experiences of eight American undergraduate ISEP exchangees.

Data were collected during the fall semester of 1994 and the spring semester of 1995 using two common qualitative techniques, participant observation and interviewing. The data were gathered in two stages. During the first stage, broad spectrum observations, focused observations, and informal interviews were conducted. Participant observation ranged from mostly observation to mostly participation. In the second stage of data collection semi- structured interviews were added. The semi-structured interviews were guided by a series of pre-written questions, were audio taped, and were transcribed.

The data analysis revealed four major themes: a) an unknown context: dealing with initial confusion and frustration, b) dealing with physical discomforts and inconveniences, c) building a family away from home, and d) transforming within the new context.

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