Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Sandra P. Thomas

Committee Members

Mitzi Davis, Patricia Droppleman, Mark Hector, Howard Pollio, Carol Smucker


The purpose of this investigation was to describe the adult well sibling's experience of having grown up with a sibling having insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Using existential-phenomenological interview procedures, fourteen participants were asked what it was like to have a chronically ill sibling. Analysis of participants' experiences was done using a hermeneutical approach. Data analysis occurred in both the phenomenological research group and individually by the researcher. The thematic description of the experience of having lived with a chronically ill sibling with IDDM was divided into two interdependent and interrelated periods, the past and the present. The metaphor of a protective shield woven around the diabetic sibling by his or her family, was taken from the words of a participant, and is seen by participants as occurring in the past and the present. The themes of the past provide the background for the themes of the present. Many of the themes of the past are moved forward to the present, but because of the passage of time, are described differently by participants. The themes of the past were: 1) Changes (family patterns, sibling relationship), 2) Wondering how the ill sibling became ill, 3) Jealousy/feeling sorry, 4) Preferential treatment of ill sibling, and 5) Feeling scared/alone. The themes of the present were: 1) Changes (relationship with sibling and mother}, 2) Worry/ responsibility without power, 3) Empathy/sadness/guilt,4} Burdened, and 5) Can't talk about feelings. Results were discussed with reference to previous studies and theories. Implications for nursing were discussed and suggestions were made regarding future research.

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