Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Michael W. Singletary

Committee Members

Jan E. Allen


This study examined what, if any, correlations and relationships exist between television viewing, locus of control and stress coping techniques. The population for this study were middle school-aged children. The test instrument for this study consisted of the Nowicki- Strickland locus of control scale, the Brodzinsky, et al. coping scale for children and youth, and a uses and gratifications scale based on work by Cramond and Wilde. A group administration technique, using a non-probability sample was utilized. The data yielded mixed support for the stated hypotheses of the study. A relationship was found to exist between the amount of television a child views and how he/she copes with stressful situations, while limited support was found linking locus of control with television viewing habits.

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