Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Major Professor

Susan E. Richert

Committee Members

Richard J. Norby, W. M. Post, Stephen C. Nodvin, Dewey L. Bunting II


Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been increasing exponentially in the earth's atmosphere since the mid-18th century. There is a need to understand the responses of the terrestrial component of the biosphere, including feedbacks from terrestrial systems to the atmosphere and vice versa. Understanding effects of elevated CO2 on terrestrial systems includes an understanding of what constrains, or limits, responses of vegetation. Evaluating responses of soil processes and the organisms that mediate these processes may be second only to quantifying changes in photosynthetic potential in determining the status of future terrestrial ecosystems. Increased productivity in forested ecosystems may be dependent upon microbially-mediated soil processes that increase nutrient availability in what are commonly nutrient-poor systems. Chemical transformations mediated by rhizosphere (root-associated) bacterial populations represent one mechanism by which soil nutrient availability might increase in a higher CO2 world. However, in my studies, numbers of bacteria in the rhizospheres of yellow-poplar seedlings were not increased when seedlings were grown at twice-ambient CO2. Selected microbial functional groups (phosphorus-dissolving bacteria, ammonium-oxidizing bacteria, and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria) in the rhizosphere also showed no response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2. A second mechanism proposed to increase nutrient uptake is stimulation of the mycorrhizal symbiosis, a ubiquitous relationship between plants and certain soil fungi. Mycorrhizal fungi receive the bulk of their metabolic and structural C from the plant host and increase nutrient uptake by the host in return. Differential responses were seen between two major types of symbioses. Elevated CO2 increased the number of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root tips per unit fine root length in two forest tree species. However, no change in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) colonization was seen in yellow-poplar seedlings when grown in enriched CO2. Because most deciduous temperate forests contain host plants of both ECM and VAM fungi, there is potential for CO2 enrichment to change the competitive balance between plant species. Nutrient availability in soils is ultimately dependent upon decomposition, or breakdown, of dead plant material (litter). Furthermore, rates of decomposition are sensitive to the chemistry of the materials being decomposed. There has been concern expressed that growth in elevated CO2 might alter litter chemistry and retard decomposition, thus reducing nutrient availability. No changes in litter chemistry or decomposition rate were seen in either yellow-poplar or white oak litter when saplings were grown in the ground in open-topped chambers at two levels of CO2 enrichment. This is in contrast to other studies, conducted in pots under artificial lighting, where litter chemistry was altered in such a way as to suggest dramatically decreased decomposition rates. We investigated the effect of pot culture on the chemistry of sugar maple litter produced under a combination of CO2 enrichment and increased (+4°C) temperature treatments. Concentrations of nitrogen (N) were increased in litter produced in elevated temperatures, probably due to abnormal senescence (the process of leaf aging which culminates in leaf fall). However, there were no effects of CO2 enrichment on litter chemistry, and little effect of pot growth. CO2 enrichment of forest tree species did not substantially alter soil microbial populations nor change plant litter chemistry. Mycorrhizal relationships were affected, however, in a manner that might lead to changes in tree species composition of forests. Forest ecosystems that are dominated by either ECM or VA-mycorrhizae (e.g., coniferous forests or tropical hardwood forests, respectively) might show little compositional change. Forest ecosystems comprised of mixed ECM and VAM host trees, however, could experience substantial changes in composition. This would have a greater impact on ecosystem level decomposition and nutrient cycling than will changes in leaf litter tissue chemistry.

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