Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

E. Grady Bogue

Committee Members

Mary Jane Connelly, Joseph M. Prochaska, Gerald C. Ubben


This research accomplished the following objectives:

  1. to develop an instrument designed to measure the extent and degree of "community" within colleges and universities for students.
  2. to establish validity and ascertain reliability indices for the instrument.
  3. to explore patterns of student responses among different categories of institutions.
A pilot questionnaire was developed to assess students' perceptions of community. The validity of the instrument was established through a combination of undergraduate student focus groups, the Doctoral Committee, a national panel of experts, and a pre-pilot test of 400 undergraduate students at four different institutions in a specific geographical area. Each institution represented one of four different 1987 Carnegie Classifications. The reliability of the instrument was established through a pilot test of 1600 college and university students from the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest and West, in clusters of four institutions, each representing one of the same four 1987 Carnegie Classifications. Further, the internal consistency of the instrument was established through the administration of the Cronbach Alpha test.

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