Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

E. Grady Bogue

Committee Members

Jeffery Aper, Katherine Greenberg, Kathleen Lawler


This research determined the effect that general education assessment undertaken for the Performance Funding Program has had on general education at the public two-year institutions of higher education in Tennessee. Data was collected for the time period spanning 1982 through May 1996. Data came from three sources: a questionnaire, participant interviews, and document analysis. Participants were public two-year higher education institution personnel knowledgeable of general education assessment and/or the Performance Funding Program. Findings from this research show that the public two-year institutions of higher education in Tennessee have used the results from the general education assessment to make changes in curriculum, instructional delivery strategies and methods, and student learning experiences and activities. While every institution in the study has not consistently used the results of general education assessment to improve all areas mentioned above, all institutions have used the results for the improvement of general education at some point during the time period of the study. Participants said that their institutions intend to continue using assessment results to improve or are looking for ways to begin using the results. Participants also said they desire a multifaceted approach to assessing general education with more institutional control over the instruments used for general education assessment. Data revealed that institutions that provided in-depth analysis of the general education assessment results and a thorough dissemination of the analysis had better utilization of the assessment results. The participants also believe that it would be beneficial for the state to determine a common core of general education competencies students would achieve during the lower division courses.

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