Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Donald Dickinson

Committee Members

Dale Doak, Steve McCallum, Robert Wahler


This study compared the academic and social coping of a group of African American children in grades four and five and a similar group of Caucasian children. The Academic and Social Coping Inventory (ASCI) (Cupp, 1993) measured Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping Style in academic and social situations common in the school environment. Four Adaptive Coping Strategies including Seeks Assistance, Defines Problem, Plans Solution and Executes Plan combined to provide an Adaptive Coping Style. Four Maladaptive Coping Strategies of Withdrawal, Oppositional/Emotional, Displacement and Projection combined to provide a Maladaptive Coping Style. Using the ASCI, teachers rated the frequency with which the children utilized the eight coping strategies in stressful social and academic situations.

In Academic situations, no differences were found between the two groups for the composite scores for Adaptive or Maladaptive Coping Styles or for any of the component coping strategies based on race.

In Social situations, no differences were found between the two groups for the composite scores for Adaptive or Maladaptive Coping Styles. When analyzing the component coping strategies, African American students utilized the Maladaptive Strategies of Oppositional/Emotional and Projection more often than the Caucasian group.

The analysis of covariance used in this study also indicated that coping varied due to sex. Male students demonstrated more utilization of the Academic and Social Maladaptive Coping Strategy of Withdrawal.

While this study suggests variances in coping accounted for by race or gender, the methodology utilized may mask other variables contributing to these differences. Suggestions for improved methodology are included. These finding cannot be generalized beyond the limited sample studied.

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