Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Patricia Beitel

Committee Members

Anne Mclntyre, Sky Huck, Joy DeSensi, Jolynn Kuhlman


A qualitative study was conducted examining the definition of team cohesion, from the female softball player's perspective. Individual audio-taped interviews were conducted at the end of the regular softball season, with eight Division I female softball players, and again, the following year's fall season. In the interviews, each participant discussed her definition of cohesion, and shared perceptions of her experiences over a season with regard to this phenomenon. Audio-tapes were transcribed verbatim. Transcripts were read and re-read and the audio-tapes were reviewed several times in order to gain a better understanding of the full effect of each response. Analysis was conducted by allowing concepts and themes to emerge from the data. The results revealed that there was a consensus for a shared definition regarding cohesion from the female softball player's perspective. In addition, these athletes shared various concepts related to developing, enhancing, and destroying cohesiveness levels. Though the findings of this study are not generalizable to other teams, the information gathered provides a greater understanding toward the cohesion phenomenon with regard to: (a) how to develop cohesion, (b) how to enhance cohesion, and (c) what destroys cohesion.

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