Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

Gerald C. Ubben

Committee Members

Mary Jane Connelly, Kathleen deMarrais, Michael Hannum


This study explored the experiences of elementary principals who had worked effectively with students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A review of the literature showed a lack of research concerning administrators and their knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This study sought to answer the question: "What are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed by principals to work effectively with students with ADHD?"

The study used a qualitative approach to research. The participants were eight selected practicing elementary administrators from southeast Tennessee and northern Georgia. Data were gathered through recorded face-to-face interviews. The transcribed data were systematically coded into four main themes: 1) Administrators' Role in Collaboration, 2) Administrators' Relationship with Faculty, 3) Administrators' Relationship with Students, and 4) Administrators' Role: Medication's Use for ADHD.

The participants had developed methods to identify, treat, plan appropriate educational programs and build teams, to effectively educate students with ADHD. These administrators' descriptions of their caring relationships with students with ADHD, suggested positive effects on the students' academic, behavior, and social performance.

Implications drawn from the findings indicated a need for students of Educational Leadership and Teacher Programs to be taught the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to understand the positive aspects of ADHD. There is a need for teachers to be trained to develop the strengths of students with ADHD and assess their progress via those strengths. Schools need to develop and implement a process for referring students for diagnoses and for administering medication for ADHD. To provide a multimodel treatment plan, school systems need to make provisions for teaching behavioral management and social skills training to students with ADHD.

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