Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

John Ray

Committee Members

Arnold Davis, George Harris, Phyllis Huff


The purpose of this descriptive research was to analyze the reasons students drop out of school. The objective of this research was to identify specific reasons students in Sevier County dropped out of school. The population for this study consisted of 233 non-graduating students. Students were identified through annual school system attendance records as dropout students during the 1993-1994, 1994-1995, and the 1995- 1996 school years. A survey instrument consisting of four parts was designed and given to all 233 members of the population. Participants were asked to respond to questions that: Addressed attitude and beliefs about dropping out of school; Open-ended questions that encouraged personal comments; Demographic information; and educational, career, and resident choices. The survey return rate was 72 percent. The survey results were analyzed to provide frequencies and percentages for all group data. A summary of findings related to the research ques-tions are as follows:

1. Available data indicate that a majority of students dropped out of school because of personal problems.

2. The major issues responsible for student drop out were: Personal, Academic, and Student Related Problems.

3. The largest group of students were eighteen years of age and in the twelfth grade when they dropped out of school. The following conclusions were derived from this study:

1. The majority of students agree that personal problems were a major factor in their decision to drop out of school.

2. Not all dropouts are low achievers. Students drop out of school because of personal problems.

3. According to student responses, schools are not completely responsible for students dropping out of school.

4. Students do re-enter the educational process later after dropping out of school.

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