Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

John Ray

Committee Members

Kermit Blank, Ted Hipple, Phyllis Huff


The study examined the impact computers have had on instruction in grades five through eight, as perceived by classroom teachers from selected rural school districts in East Tennessee. The study examined how computers are used in the classroom and examined the most efficient use of computers in the classroom. This study reviewed the current research literature on using computers in instruction. A survey questionnaire was administered to 194 five through eight classroom teachers in selected school districts in East Tennessee. Variables examined were: Computer use, software available, accessible equipment and training. Personal data were also gathered by grades(s) taught, teaching experience, subject(s) taught and computer experience. Content analysis and frequency of responses were used to analyze the data. The results of this study revealed that there has been very little development of computer use in the classroom. It was concluded that until students have access to sufficient equipment, software and training, computer use would continue to be undeveloped and inaccessible in the classroom.

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