Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Mark A. Hector

Committee Members

Sky Huck, Suzanne Kurth, Norma Mertz


Based on A. Bandura's self-efficacy theory (1977) , factors related to women's use of the Structural Role Redefinition strategy for coping with role conflict are investigated. Surveys were administered to 106 working mothers measuring women's use of the Structural Role Redefinition coping strategy and five predictor variables: Assertiveness, attitudes toward women's roles, sexist beliefs, career commitment, and self-efficacy expectations. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the predictor variables accounted for 30% of the variance in women's use of the Structural Role Redefinition coping strategy, p < .0001. Suggestions for using the self-efficacy model to design intervention programs aimed at increasing women's ability to use the Structural Role Redefinition strategy are offered. Additional factors, related to power and resources, that may mediate women's use of the Structural Role Redefinition coping strategy are identified.

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