Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Witold Nazarewicz

Committee Members

L. L. Riedinger, C. R. Bingham, M. W. Guidry, R. N. Compton


Deformation properties of weakly bound drip-line nuclei are discussed in the de-formed single-particle model and, in particular, those of the drip-line sulfur isotopes are investigated in the framework of the self-consistent mean-field theory. In the deformed single-particle model, it is demonstrated that in the limit of very small binding energy the valence particles in specific orbitals, characterized by a very small projection of single-particle angular momentum onto the symmetry axis of a nucleus, can give rise to the halo structure which is completely decoupled from the rest of the system. The quadrupole deformation of the resulting halo is com-pletely determined by the intrinsic structure of a weakly bound orbital, irrespective of the shape of the core. Similarly, the self-consistent mean-field calculations show large differences between the proton and neutron quadrupole deformations in the drip-line sulfur isotopes, which can be understood in terms of the significant radial contribution to the quadrupole moment in such spatially extended systems.

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