Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Carroll B. Coakley

Committee Members

George Harris, John Peters, Vickie Stout


There has been a great concern for students leaving high school without having the knowledge and competencies to enter the field of work or higher education. Marketing Education has surveyed business people many times to find the specific competencies necessary for students to succeed. These competencies were developed into a National Curriculum Framework. The question to be answered was, are these competencies being taught in the classroom? This study was conducted to identify the competencies taught in the state of Tennessee by marketing education instructors based on the National Curriculum Framework. The findings of the study led to the following conclusions:

1. The marketing education instructors in the state of Tennessee are using the framework set forth by the National Marketing Education Association. Based on the findings students should be prepared to meet the demands of the job market by acquiring these marketing competencies.

2. In the category of math procedures there were particular competencies that were not taught by a significant number of marketing education instructors. The competency concerning basic computer skills was not taught by 59 percent of the instructors. Many conclusions could be drawn concerning the lack of use or importance of computer skills. Evidence is not available to say if it could be lack of equipment or time.

3. The two questions, what competencies are actually being taught and what competencies should be taught, yielded similar results. Marketing instructors felt confident in using this framework to prepare students for work and further education. Accountability is necessary in all areas of education and the Marketing education area has tried to attain the needed competencies to prepare students.

4. The third question, what additional competencies should be added to the curriculum yielded minimal answers. The answers concerning math, communications, tax, safety, and leadership were important in that the areas were essential areas to have on the job. Consideration could be made to add additional competencies in these areas.

5. One might also conclude that the involvement with DEC A affects the learning of competencies along with the attendance at leadership conferences.

6. The National Curriculum Framework was found to be used in the state of Tenneseee and was very important to marketing education high school instructors.

7. Other areas of marketing education curriculum could be studied to find out if these areas are being taught, such as international marketing and entrepreneurship.

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