Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Major Professor
Leo L. Riedinger
High-spin states have been studied in 181Au and 179Au nuclei for the first time. These are the most neutron-deficient Au isotopes which have been studied in detail. Excited states in 181Au were populated by the 150Sm(35Cl,4n) heavy-ion fusion reaction, and studied at the Oak Ridge Holifield Heavy-Ion Research Facility with the Spin Spec-trometer and 19 Compton-suppressed Ge detectors. Eight prolate rotational bands have been established in the analysis of this nucleus. Bands based on πh9/2, πf7/2, πi13/2, and πh11/2 configurations have been clearly identified. In addition, there is a structure of high-lying states feeding at high spins into the πi13/2 band in 181Au. Of the two observed side bands, one has been identified as a rotational band base on the three quasiparticle excitation π1/2 [660] ⊗ v1/2[521] ⊗ v5/2|[512], and the second has been suggested as the unfavored signature of the πi13/2 band. A final observed band has been suggested as the unfavored signature of the πf7/2 configuration. The experiment to study high-spin states in 179Au took place at the AT-LAS facility at Argonne National Laboratory. The AYE-ball array of 19 Compton-suppressed Ge detectors was used in conjunction with the Fragment Mass Analyzer and a double-sided silicon strip detector to make the first positive identification of excited states in 179Au by the recently developed method of Recoil Decay Tagging. These states were populated in a 124Te(58,/sup>Ni,p2n) reaction. From the study, the πi13/2 band was clearly established, and a lower limit of 592 keV is determined for the bandhead energy. Three other bands have been observed in the this nucleus with suggested configurations assignments of πh9/2 and πd3/2. In addition to the study of 181Au and 179Au, a systematic analysis was made of moments of inertia of ground-state rotational bands in even-even nuclei and πh9/2 and πi13/2 bands in odd-Z even-N nuclei. From the study of even-even nuclei, an em-pirical relationship was developed from experimental data where by the deformation of a nucleus can be inferred from the moment of inertia with very good correlation to other observables. This relationship is applied to measured moments of inertia in intruder (πh9/2 and πi13/2) bands using theoretically determined deformation param-eters. Prom this comparison, it can be concluded that the amount of deformation enhancement caused by the occupation of an intruder orbital is underpredicted in some regions.
Recommended Citation
Mueller, Wilhelm Friedrich, "High-spin spectroscopy on Au and a systematic study of moments of inertia in prolate rotational bands from Dy to Tl. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1997.