Doctoral Dissertations


Khaled Meftah

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

A. E. Ruggles

Committee Members

Roger Parsons, H. Lee Dodds, Belle. R. Upadhyaya


A Scaled Model Boiling Water Reactor (SMBWR) model uses low pressure (i.e., 0.095 MPa) water in a heated channel 0.5 meters in length with four electrically heated fuel simulator rods. The axial void profile in the channel is measured using conductivity probes and the power to the heaters is modulated according to the void fraction to simulate void reactivity feedback. The steam from the heated channel is passed through a valve that reduces the pressure to 0.012 MPa where the steam is condensed in conditions similar to those found in a conventional BWR condenser. The feedwater flow rate, heater power, and instrumentation in the facility are controlled and monitored through a Quadra 950 computer running LabVIEW software. The void fraction signals are analyzed to identify the different flow regimes and determine the vapor velocity in the SMBWR channel using features of the probability density function and power spectral density. The void coefficient of reactivity is modified in the BWR scale model through the LabVIEW interface and the effect on the behavior of the channel is directly observed. The system response is reported for abrupt stepwise pressure changes and abrupt stepwise power changes. The response is typical of that expected for a BWR. The void reactivity feedback effect is also examined by analyzing the frequency response of the channel void fraction at steady state.

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