Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Donald J. Dessart

Committee Members

Greg Petty, Tom Mathews, Kermit Blank


This study sought to determine the effect of computer-enhanced instruction (CEI) on college level mathematics. It proposed to reveal these effects by integrating existing studies by meta-analysis. The method for analyzing the study's data was Hembree's model for marta analysis based on Glassian meta-analysis and the statistical procedures of Hedges

Thirty studies collected from dissertations, journal articles and a manuscript accepted for publication fit the criteria for inclusion. These criteria included the requirement that enough information be reported to calculate effect size (ES). In the study, CEI was defined to include one or more of the following instructional uses of computer technology: (1) demonstration with a single computer overload device for whole class display, (2) calculator with each student using a graphing se programmable calculator; or (2) laboratory with all students (singly or in pairs) using microcomputers.

The study sought to answer 12 research questions related to the effect of CEI on conceptual, procedural, and overall achievement. Effects investigated included type of technology used, testing with technology. versus testing without using technology in CEI class, instructional use of technology, and accessibility of technology,

Results of the study included the following: (1) procedural achievement had a slight adverse effect when students were denied use of technology when being tested: (2) using technology (computers and graphing calculators) during testing, although favorable, did not significantly affect, overall achievement; (3) students not allowed to us computers during tasting were significantly and favorably affected on overall achievement; (4) instructional use of computers and graphing calculators as both tool and demonstration was the most beneficial to all achievement; (5) one important finding, although insignificant, was the slight negative effect on graphing calculator use limited to in-class and laboratory access on conceptual achievement; (6) computer technology was most beneficial to achievement, conceptual and overall, with significant findings. The drawing of inferences from this study must be dime with caution due to the small sample size. However, the many positive indications resulting from the study warrant further investigation.

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