Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Wendell P. Liemohn

Committee Members

Edward Howley, Jack Wasserman, Songning Zhang


Thirty-five subjects (15 men and 20 women) volunteered to participate in this study. Volunteers were tested on the PSLR, AKET, SRT, and TSRT, tests were administered in a counterbalanced order. Three warm-up trials were administered prior to data collection on each test. Measurements were made on the right side of the body; three trials were recorded for analysis. Eight subjects agreed to return on a second day to be retested in order to look at test-retest reliability from one test session to the next. Technical problems with PSLR administration. necessitated dropping this test as the criterion measure and using the AKET in its place, The TSRT scores were significantly correlated with the AKET scores in men (r=0.899. ρ 0.01) but not in women. The reason for the gender difference was that scores on the women were much more compressed on the AKET than men's scores were. Back angles of the SRT and TSRT were not significantly different; gender differences were present with women exhibiting significantly larger back angles than men (78.6' vs. 65.4' on TSRT). TSRT scores, however, were not significantly correlated with back angle. A significant difference was found between the end pelvic angles during subjects' performance on the SRT and TSRT. Test scores were significantly correlated with EPA and no gender effect was determined. A significant trials main effect was found between the 1st trial and subsequent trials. Intraclass correlation coefficients indicated that the TSRT is a reliable test (ICC 0.981) with a low standard error of measurement (SEM ± 0.79). Test-retest ICC was 0.956 with a SEM of ± 1.49. In conclusion, the TSRT is a valid indicator of hamstring extensibility/hip joint ROM when testing men, however, it does not appear to be a valid test when testing women.

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