Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Major Professor
Harry Y. McSween Jr.
Committee Members
Theodore Labotka, Richard Williams
A finite element code has been developed to study the thermal history of asteroid 4 Vesta. This is the first attempt to model the thermal history of a differentiated asteroid, from accretion through core and crust formation and subsequent cooling until geochemical closure is attained. Previous thermal models were simpler formulations aimed at explaining metamorphism and aqueous alteration in unmelted asteroids. The results of the simulation are consistent with chronological measurements of cumulate and noncumulate eucrites, meteorites belonging to the HED suite, believed to have been derived from 4 Vesta. The work solves major problems with the hypothesis of heating by decay of 26Al, an extinct radionuclide, believed to be a plausible heat source in the early solar system. The simulation draws a model chronology of Vesta and predicts the time interval of accretion at 2.85 Myrs, the absolute times (with respect to CAI formation) of core formation at 4.58 Myrs, crust formation at 6.58 Myrs and geochemical closure on Vesta at ~100 Myrs. It is concluded that neither collisional heating nor heating due to the radioactive decay of 60Fe caused any perceptible difference in the whole-body thermal history of Vesta. Further, the thermal model suggested that the olivine-rich spot observed on Vesta may not be excavated mantle material, but may be unmelted near-surface material that escaped the asteroid's differentiation history.
Recommended Citation
Ghosh, Amitabha, "A thermal model for the differentiation of Asteroid 4 Vesta, based on radiogenic and collisional heating. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1997.