Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Warren H. Jones

Committee Members

Sky Huck, Julia Malia, Deborah Welsh


The present study was conducted to examine the role of social expectations in the expression of intimacy in same- and mixed-sex dyads. Research has indicated that women report greater degrees of intimacy in their interpersonal relationships than do men. Based on previous research concerning loneliness (e.g., Lau & Gruen, 1992) and depression (Beck & Young, 1978), it was proposed that men may be inhibited in their expression of intimacy because they fear social rejection and the possibility of being seen as homosexual. In Study 1, participants (N = 220) each viewed 1 of 4 video clips in which two individuals portrayed an intimate interaction. Each video contained a different combination of men and women comprising the following dyads: female-male, male-female, female-female, and male-male. After viewing the video, participants completed the Attribute Measure and other items meant to assess the interpersonal attraction of the target in the video. Participants also completed the Bem Sex Role Inventory for themselves as well as for the target, and the Value of Intimacy Scale. It had been hypothesized that the intimate male targets would receive the most negative ratings. Though this prediction was not confirmed, results indicated that ratings of interpersonal attraction were influenced by the gender of both participant and target. Participants' ratings of the target also varied as a function of perceived masculinity and femininity. In Study 2, participants (N = 16) were interviewed on an individual basis. The purpose of the interview was to explore participants' perceptions of intimacy in the different dyads. Thematic analysis of interview content suggested that there is the perception of gender stereotypical expressions of intimacy and also that men who engage in intimate expression are frequently perceived as homosexual. Overall, findings suggested that gender has an observable role in the rating of an intimate target's interpersonal attraction.

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