Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

James Neutens

Committee Members

Bill Wallace, Ian Rockett, Ira Harrison


The purpose of this study was to gather baseline data from tractor-trailer drivers about their sexual behavior and knowledge of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases(STDs). A convenience sample of 100 men and 15 women was obtained from patrons in the restaurant, store, and fuel desk areas of a Truck Stop in Gallup, New Mexico. Subjects were given a pencil and paper questionnaire consisting of fifty-five questions incorporating 17 True/False Knowledge, 26 behavioral and 12 demographic questions.

Based on the data the following was found relative to the research questions: (1)Non-condom use was reported by 62.6% of the drivers with over 58% reporting being married or in a monogamous relationship as the reason for non-use. Only 13% of the respondents use condoms all the time with the single most given reason for condom use being to prevent/decrease the chance for AIDS. No significant relationships were found for condom use. (2)Significant inverse relationships were found between monogamy and casual sex and between marital status and casual sex. However, 21.7% of the drivers engaged in casual sex; 12.2% reported more than one sexual partner in the last six months with 61% not responding to this question, therefore, the percentage is likely to be higher. (3)Of the drivers surveyed, 36.6% use the services of prostitutes 25-75% of the time. (4)In this study 50.4% of the driver used drugs in the last year(including alcohol) . (5)Drivers have a knowledge deficit about HIV/STDs safe sex practices ranging from 1.7-96.5%. No significant relationships were found for knowledge level. (6)The extent of ambisexual behavior in this population is not known at this time.

More information is clearly needed to establish the true extent of risk behaviors in this population. Educational programs specific to the culture of the driver are needed and must be easily available to the drivers, both male and female. It must also be emphasized that using alcohol and drugs has been associated with unsafe sexual behaviors and the decreased use of condoms.

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