Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Jacky DeJonge

Committee Members

Roger Bowlby, Ernest Brewer, Gregory Petty


When employers have invested in training their employees, and those employees have not performed the tasks back on the job, employers have lost time, money, and confidence in training as a viable business investment. When learners were not able to transfer what was learned, they were less- or non-productive and faced a real danger of pay reduction or job loss.

The purpose of this study was two fold. The first purpose was to develop a comprehensive survey of transfer of training strategies. The second purpose was to measure the perceived importance of these strategies by trainers and supervisors.

Tentative strategies were developed fi-om the review of literature. The tentative strategies were then sent to a panel of experts who added, deleted, or changed the strategies. A pilot study to determine clarity was developed and distributed to graduate students at Indiana State University. Following suggestions fi-om the pilot study, the strategies were sent for rating to trainers and supervisors who were members of the American Society for Training and Development.

Strategies presented to the trainers and supervisors were strongly supported. Differences found in the ratings of the three phases of transfer (before, during, and after training) determined that the trainers' and supervisors' perception of the during training phase and after training phase were in greater agreement with the strategies than the before training phase. From the results of this study, it was concluded that trainers and supervisors were in strong agreement with the strategies

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